1. in the food industry, mannitol stearic acid fat for peanut pulp, can prevent oil separation, used for cookies can make cookies crunchy, is not easy to damp, used for candy can rise to finalize the design function, improve the quality of candy.
2. as dehydration labels&tags diuresis medicine, mannitol can reduce intracranial pressure and pressure inside the eye, eliminate brain edema, diuresis and prevent early acute renal insufficiency, preparations for mannitol injection.
3. in daily chemical industry, mannitol in xuehuagao as emulsifier, can make the xuehuagao is exquisite.
4. in engineering, insulation, sound insulation is the important material.
分子式:C6H14O6 (182.2)

致敏物: 本产品不含欧共体致敏物清单中的任何成分。
包装运输: 采用25kg/袋包装,净牛皮袋,PE内层。运输应当按照合同的规定进行
用途: 甘露醇用于增加尿量(利尿剂),治疗或预防因体液/水增加而引起的疾病(如脑水肿、青光眼、肾衰竭)。该药常与其他利尿剂(如速尿、氯噻嗪)和/或静脉补液一起使用。
贮存: 贮存于阴凉、干燥、通风的环境中。
项目 | 标准 |
外观 | 白色结晶粉末 |
熔点 | 165℃~170℃ |
红外吸收 分光光度法 | 符合 |
溶液外观 | 清澈无色 |
相关物质:山梨糖醇 麦芽糖醇和异麦芽糖 未指明的杂质 总杂质 | ≤2.0% ≤2.0% ≤0.10% ≤2.0% |
还原糖 | ≤0.1% |
镍 | ≤1 ppm |
干燥失重 | ≤0.5% |
传导性 | ≤20us/cm |
含量 | 97.0% ~ 102.0% |
细菌内毒素 | <2.5 IU/g |
微生物污染 TAMC TYMC 大肠杆菌沙门氏菌 | ≤100 CFU/g ≤100 CFU/g Negative Negative无检出 |
残留溶剂 | 原料、制造过程和产品不含残留溶剂(USP<467>)中列出的任何溶剂 |