D-Fructose occurs in a large number of fruits, honey, and as the sole sugar in bull and human semen fructose is a naturally occurring sugar in fruits and honey. It has moisture-binding and skin-softening properties. Fructose is a sweetener that is a monosaccharide found naturally in fresh fruit and honey. It is obtained by the inversion of sucrose by means of the enzyme invertase and by the isomerization of corn syrup. It is 130–180 in sweetness range as compared to sucrose at 100 and is very water soluble. It is used in baked goods because it reacts with amino acids to produce a browning reaction. It is used as a nutritive sweetener in low-calorie beverages. It is also termed levulose and fruit sugar.
产品名称: 结晶果糖
其他名称: 左旋糖
CAS 号: 57-48-7
分子量: 180.15
分子式: C6H12O6
质量标准: FCCV食品级
包装: 牛皮纸袋25公斤
规格: FCC IV / BP / USP
过敏原: 本产品不含欧共体过敏原清单中的任何成分。
包装运输: 采用25kg/袋包装,净牛皮袋,PE内层。运输应当符合一般食品添加剂的要求
贮存: 贮存于阴凉、干燥、通风的环境中。
项目 | 规格 |
表现 | 白色结晶粉末,味道甜美 |
鉴别 | 符合 |
比旋度 | +52.0°-53.5° |
酸度 | 符合 |
溶液颜色和澄清度 | 符合 |
乙醇溶液 | 符合 |
氯化物 | ≤0.02% |
硫酸盐 | ≤0.02% |
亚硫酸盐和可溶性淀粉 | 符合 |
含水量 | ≤9.5 % |
燃烧残值 | ≤0.2% |
蛋白质 | 符合 |
铁 | ≤0.002% |
重金属 | ≤5ppm |
砷 | ≤2ppm |
二氧化硫 | ≤40mg/kg |
总细菌 | ≤300Cfu/g |
杆菌 | ≤1000pcs/g |
霉菌/叶霉菌 | ≤1000pcs/g |
大肠杆菌 | ≤3MPN/g |
产气荚膜梭菌 | None无 |
肠杆菌 | None 无 |
纯度 | ≥ 99.5% |